Tsavo East’s vast landscapes are home to large herds of elephants and the legendary “man-eating lions.” It’s an untamed safari destination for adventurous travelers.
Months to Visit
Tsavo East
Higher crowds than normal due to popular holidays, and therefore higher prices.
Fewer crowds and better prices and overall service. This is what we call the “secret season”. You might experience some rains, but not enough to ruin your day. Animals may become harder to spot due to the higher vegetation.
Fewer crowds and better prices and overall service. This is what we call the “secret season”. You might experience some rains, but not enough to ruin your day. Animals may become harder to spot due to the higher vegetation.
Fewer crowds and better prices and overall service. This is what we call the “secret season”. You might experience some rains, but not enough to ruin your day. Animals may become harder to spot due to the higher vegetation.